Are you a blogger? You're having a problem putting up a very good article that drives traffic into your blog? Don't worry, sit back as we get it solved. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll be ready to start making those hit blogposts. Let's go:

•Know your audience
•Write on relevant topics you love.
•Come up with a catchy title and opening paragraph
•Do researches
•Prepare an outline for the blogpost
•Make the blog post format simple
•Engage your readers
•Optimize the blogpost for SEO
•Avoid grammatical errors

KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: Before you can come up with a post subject your audience will be interested in, you must know who your audience are. Are they business oriented? Are they religious? Are they students? If you are targeting business oriented people, you should know you'd be writing articles that can add to their knowledge. If your audience are students, it's adviceable you write on study tips, or probably on available scholarship etc.

WRITE ON RELEVANT TOPICS YOU LOVE: It's very much adviceable you write on topics you know about and love. It'd do much help if the blogpost answers your readers' questions. Probably, one of the questions that they have been looking for ways to get answered. For example, you as a blogger, you are a student. You can write on how students can easily assimilate what they read, looking at the fact that you'll be interested in such topics as a student yourself and it helps thousands of other students who needs help on it. Well, this is just an example. It may be dimensional.

COME UP WITH A CATCHY TITLE AND OPENING PARAGRAPH: Most readers tend to get driven to read blogposts with a very interesting title and introduction or opening paragraph. No one would want to go on reading an article that seem dry or boring from the start.

DO RESEARCHES: Getting to research about topics you want to write on and referring to them in your blog posts send a lot of message to your readers. It shows them you're not stating your ideas alone, but rooted.

PREPARE AN OUTLINE FOR THE BLOGPOST: Before setting out to start writing the blogpost, you should outline how the write up will be. This will ease your work in writing a good blogpost.

MAKE THE BLOGPOST FORMAT SIMPLE: If your blogpost format is simple, this will be accommodating for readers. Write your blog posts in a very simple format that  can be easily understood.

ENGAGE YOUR READERS: You should write your blog post in a way that your readers will be hungry to read on and on. You should write as if you are speaking directly to your readers, ask questions at some points to get your readers more curious, use image to convey the message you are trying to pass across on the blog post and probably try to add humor to your blogpost.

OPTIMIZE THE BLOGPOST FOR SEO: You should optimize your blogpost so it can be Google friendly and get more readers. Include your  keyword in the blog title, H2 tag, URL, introduction and image alt text. You should take note of the keyword density too. You should make use of internal and external links too.

AVOID GRAMMATICAL ERRORS: Avoid making grammatical mistakes when writing. If there are too much of grammatical errors in your blogpost, this may send readers packing.

PROOFREAD: Once you are done with writing, go over to see what to subtract or add. This will allow to find mistakes made when writing. Once your blogpost is published, you can keep proofreading to see where improvements can come in.

With these points, I expect you to start making wonderful blogposts with ease.